10.2 Containment IMS
The Containment IMS module stores information on containments, buildings connected to them, service history, and other associated data.
· Open the sidebar and click on Fecal Sludge IMS to expand.
· Click on Containment IMS and select Containments.
The Containments Page lists all the attribute records stored in the module and provides different Tools, Actions, and Filters that can be used according to the requirements. For more details on Action buttons, review Section 6.
Figure 10- 2 List of Containment
If the user wants to delete the containment data, the user must first remove the connection between the containment and the building then delete the containment accordingly.
10.2.2 View Building Connected to Containment
· Click on the View Building Connected to Containment which redirects to the building connected to the containment page.
· The Building Connected to Containment page will display the building information like BIN, Tax Code/ Holding ID, Structure Type, Estimated Area of the Building, and Functional Use of Building.
Figure 10- 3 List of Buildings Connected to Containment
· By clicking the delete button, the user can disconnect the building from the connected containment but the containment information will remain.
· When user attempts to delete the containment data in which it has the application data then the following criteria must be met:
o If the containment has application data with an "Emptying Status" of False, the connection to the building cannot be deleted.
o If the application data is emptied, meaning the "Emptying Status" is True, the connection between the building and the containment can be deleted and the Sewer Code or Drain Code for that containment will be nullified if the containment has outlet connections.
10.2.3 Containment Type Change History
· Click on the Type Change History button in the Action column.
· This will redirect to the Type Change History page. This page contains detailed information on the changes that have been made to the Containment Type.
Figure 10- 4 Record of Type Change History
· User can view the changes made to the record’s containment type, including the user who made the changes, the edited values and the date of the edits.
Click on Back to List to go back.
10.2.4 Emptying Service History
· Click on the Emptying Service History in the Action button to view the containment emptied history.
Figure 10- 5 List of Emptying
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