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300 total results found
User Manual
Best Practices
Case Study
White Papers
Policy Briefs
Municipal Reports
IMIS Related Documents
IMIS Readiness Assessment
SDG 6.0
Deployment Manuals
Resources Materials for Establishing GIS-based Database
The attachment link of the Resources for Establishing GIS-based Database is mentioned below: D33_RM_GISDataCreation.pptx
Emptying Information Collection Mobile App User Manual
IMIS Readiness Assessment Framework
IMIS-An Initiation in Sanitation Data Governance
IMIS Poster
My New Book
1.1 Purpose The purpose of the document is to guide Municipality’s Staff on the functionalities of Building and Containment Information Mobile App of IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It...
Building Information Collection Mobile App User Manual
Resource Materials of CWIS Planning using Base IMIS for Sanitation Intervention
IMIS Promotion
IMIS Brochure
IMIS Official Logo
Icon Pack
Implementation of IMIS in Mahalaxmi Municipality and Its Role in Standardizing the Sanitaiton System (November 2024)
Sewer Connection Information Collection Mobile App User Manual
Base IMIS User Manual
Base IMIS Deployment Manual (Windows Environment)
Deploying the Base IMIS (Integrated Municipal Information System) on the Windows environment involve a series of steps and procedures. As the general practice for development and customization is carried out on a windows environment, the following guide provid...
Base IMIS Deployment Manual (Linux Environment)
Deploying Base IMIS on a server with the Linux operating system involves a series of steps and procedures. The steps mentioned below provide a guideline on the deployment process.
Resource Materials of CWIS Planning using Base IMIS for Sanitation Intervention
Resource Materials for establishing GIS-based Database
Chapter 1
1.1 Purpose The purpose of the document is to guide Municipality’s Staff on the functionalities of Building and Containment Information Mobile App of IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It...
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog is the most famous pangram in English, that is the most short sentence in which all the 26 letters of the alphabet are used. For this reason, it is useful to test the graphic aspect of the fonts, because all the letter...
Building Intial Understanding
App Installation
Accessing the IMIS
Collecting Emptying Services Information
Collecting Building Information
Uploading Building Information
Collecting Sewer Information
The purpose of this user manual is to guide the users of IMIS on the functionalities of the web interface of IMIS. It provides detailed step-by-step procedures of all functionalities found within the IMIS web application as well as the working principle of IMI...
This chapter elaborates various actions that can be performed on each module by the users. These actions are restricted by user’s role and permissions.
1. Context
IMIS readiness assessment is a structured evaluation process designed to assess the Local Government's readiness for implementing IMIS to enhance planning, management, and monitoring and evaluation of sanitation systems and services, following the Citywide Inc...
2. Data Readiness
Data readiness assessment will be performed based on the availability of the data those are required for IMIS. The data requirements for IMIS were initially identified during the conceptualization phase and have since been continuously updated, incorporating i...
3. E-Governance Initiatives and IT Readiness
The requirements related to e-Governance Initiatives & IT have been carefully curated based on the IMIS implementation experiences in various towns in Nepal and Bangladesh. Information aspects relevant to different e-governance initiatives undertaken by LGs, a...
4. IMIS-Driven Sanitation Service Delivery
The requirements related to and IMIS-driven sanitation service delivery, have been carefully curated based on the IMIS implementation experiences in various towns in Nepal and Bangladesh. Information aspects relevant to necessary enabling environment that faci...
Appendix A. General Information of the City
1. Name of town: 2. Total Area (Sq. Km): 3. Population: 4. Number of Holdings: 5. Name of organizations (NGO/INGO) currently active in sanitation: 6. Presence of any master plan with GIS data (Yes/No): 7. Date of creation of ...
IMIS- An Initiation in Sanitation Data Governance Poster
Appendix B. Data Requirement of IMIS
SN Dataset Description Value Proposition Data Type CWIS Outcome (O)/Function (F) Dataset Creation Year Planning Management, Monitoring & Evaluation URBAN DATA 1 Ward Boundary Ward ...
Appendix C. E-Governance Initiatives & IT Requirement of IMIS
Aspects SN Requirements Importance (M=Mandatory, D= Desirable) Availability (Yes/No) Remarks e-GOVERNANCE 1 Is LG currently using any software applications (e.g., Tax Collection System, MIS, etc.), or are th...
Appendix D. IMIS-Driven Sanitation Service Delivery
SN Requirements Importance (M=Mandatory, D= Desirable) Availability (Yes/No) Remarks Enabling Environment 1 Has the LG officially endorsed and adopted the CWIS (Citywide Inclusive Sanitation) approach? ...
New Page
1.1 Purpose The purpose of the document is to guide Municipality’s Staff on the functionalities of Building and Containment Information Mobile App of IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It...
New Page 2
1.1 Purpose The purpose of the document is to guide Municipality’s Staff on the functionalities of Building and Containment Information Mobile App of IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It...
New Page inside Chapter 1
1.1 Purpose The purpose of the document is to guide Municipality’s Staff on the functionalities of Building and Containment Information Mobile App of IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It...
The purpose of the document is to guide Municipality’s Staff on the functionalities of Building and Containment Information Mobile App of IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It details step...
The purpose of the document is to guide municipal staff memebrs on the functionalities of Building Information Collection Mobile App of Base IMIS that is used for collecting building footprints of newly constructed or identified missing buildings. It details s...
Installation Procedure
Download the APK file in your device and go to ‘Downloads’ folder using the ‘File Manager’. Figure 1-1 APK file Locate the corresponding .apk file and tap o...
Opening the app
On opening the app for the first time, the user is asked for their login credentials. Enter email address and password provided in textbox. Click on ‘Log in' button. ...
Navigate to Dashboard
After successful login, a dashboard page is displayed. The user can select 'Building Map' option to collect new/missing building footprints. The user can select 'Buildings Data' to review, and upload the collected building footprint on IMIS. Click on th...
Building Map
Navigate to building map Select the ‘Building Map’ option on the dashboard. Once clicked, map interface is displayed. Overview: The Building Map option displays the map interface where the user can collect the building footprint by placing ma...
This document is designed to guide Desludging Vehicle Operators on how to use the Emptying Details Collection Mobile App. The app allows collection of the emptying information while providing the emptying service, such that the information can be updated in re...