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This document contains the overall process of establishing GIS-based database required for establishing IMIS in a city including the process of preparing city’s GIS data, household survey for establishing containment database, etc. This database will become a main source of data for IMIS for efficient planning, management, and M&E of sanitation system and service delivery with the principle of CWIS.

IMIS promotes sanitation as a public service and integrates sanitation data with inter related urban sub-sectors domain (e.g., water supply, solid waste management and transportation networks, sewer networks). Multiple types of spatial and non-spatial data sources have been carefully identified by the IMIS development team comprises of System Analyst, Data Analyst, GIS expert and sanitation domain experts with focusing on CWIS core outcomes and functions. IMIS data requirement checklist is presented in Appendix A which describes necessary data layers and its necessary attributes for efficient planning, management and M&E of sanitation system and service delivery as well as for overall urban management of the Local Governments.

Establishing a geo-database for IMIS involves creating a structured and organized repository for storing spatial data and non-spatial data. All these data layers are seldomly readily available in LGs. In addition, even available data is often outdated or missing key attribute information. Therefore, a series of steps need to be followed to establish required database of IMIS that may include data acquisition through field survey and conversion of relevant spatial data from various sources, such as satellite imagery, master plan data and existing paper maps as well.

Establishment of GIS database for IMIS shall be led by a competent, qualified, and experienced consultant who has a demonstrated track record in working in the geospatial domain with previous experience in conducting city wide geospatial survey for establishing the GIS database. The consultant must have a full time GIS Expert with at-least Bachelor’s degree in GIS with 5 years of working experience in their team.