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18.2 Map Feature

This is the main graphical web interface of IMIS where spatial visualization of data layers and other spatially assisted decision-making processes will be performed. 

18.3 Navigation to Map Feature

·         Open the sidebar and click on the Urban Management DSS to expand.

·         Select the Map Feature.

·         This redirects to the main section of Map Interface (refer to Figure 18-2).

  • The map has four main sections: General Tools, Map, Layers Tab, and Tools Tab.


Figure 18- 2 Map


18.3.1 General Tools

General tools and search functionality are on the header (in the page upper part). These tools are mainly for navigating around the map and performing basic operations e.g., measuring, printing, searching based on House Number, BIN, Places and Roads.


Table 18-  1 General Tools Available on IMIS Web Map




a)    Info

·         Zoom to an area of interest using navigation tools such as Zoom In, Zoom Out & Navigate (Pan).

·         Click on Info to activate it.

·         A pop-up containing a list of layers is displayed.

·         Select the desired layer and then click at the desired point location of interest.

Figure 18- 3 Map Info


·         Users can see the Attributes and Corresponding Values of the desired layer.

  • This tool displays detailed attribute information of the selected layer at the point clicked on the Map. If there are no data layers at a clicked point, no information will be returned. Information will be displayed at the bottom of the map.


a)    Coordinate Information

·         Zoom to an area of interest using navigation tools such as Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Navigate (Pan).

·         Click on the ‘Coordinate Information’ tool to activate it.

·         Click on the ‘Coordinate Information’ tool to deactivate it.

·         Click on a location on the map to get coordinate information of that clicked point.

Figure 18- 4 Coordinate Information


  • This tool will provide coordinate information of a clicked point on a map. Coordinates information is provided in two coordinate systems (EPSG: 3857 & EPSG: 4326).

a)    Locate Point by Coordinate

·         Activate the tool by selecting it.

·         Fill in the necessary longitude and latitude information on a point of interest. 

·         Click on the Search button and the point is located on the map.

Figure 18- 5 Locate Coordinates by Point

a)    Measure Distance

·         Zoom to an area of interest using navigation tools such as Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Navigate (Pan).

·         Click on the ‘Measure Distance’ tool to activate it.

·         Click on a location on the map (Start Point of a line) and drag the line appearing on the map to another location (End Point line).  Distance information is provided in meters. Double Click to finish.

·         Click on ‘Measure Distance’ again to exit the tool.

Figure 18- 6 Locate Coordinates by Point


·         This tool is useful if the user wants to measure distances on the map. E.g., the user may want to measure how far a building is from a road. 


a)    Measure Area

·         Zoom to an area of interest with navigation tools such as Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Navigate (Pan).

·         Click on the Measure Area tool to activate it.

·         Click on a series of locations on the map that represent the boundary of an area.  Area information is provided in square meters. Double Click to finish.

·         Click on Measure Area again to exit the tool.

Figure 18- 7 Maps-Measure Area of Polygon


  • This tool is useful if the user wants to measure an area in the map.

f)    Print

·         Arrange a view on the map as desired and turn on/off data layers as desired.

·         Activate the Print tool by clicking it.

·         A pop-up will appear where the user needs to enter Title and Comments if any on the displayed output.

·         The scale chosen determines the size of the bounding box which will encompass the map’s print boundary. The bounding box can be dragged as required.

·         The paper size, DPI, and orientation can also be set as desired, then Click Print.


Figure 18- 8 Map Print

g)    Find Nearest Road

·         Toggle on building, road, and containment layers with an underlying base layer.

·         Activate the Find Nearest Road tool.

·         Click any point on the map. The nearest Road will be shown with a Marker. Use the Info tool to get information about the Nearest Road, if needed. Use the Measure Distance tool to get distance information between clicked location and the nearest road, if needed.

·         Click the Remove Markers tool to get rid of markers from the map.


Figure 18- 9 Maps- Nearest Road


  • User can find the nearest road from the desired location.

h)    Find Buildings Connected to Containment

·         Activate the tool. 

·         Select the containment for which user want to search the building for the building found is outlined.

·         Click the ‘Remove Markers’ tool to get rid of markers from the map.

Figure 18- 10 Map- Find Buildings to Containments   


  • User can find the Buildings connected to Containment.


i)    Find Containments Connected to Building

·         Activate the tool.

·         Select the building you want to search for the containment.

·         The containment is displayed via markers.

·         Click the Remove Markers tool to get rid of markers from the map. 

Figure 18- 11 Map- Find Containment to Building



·         User can find Containments connected to a building.

j)    Find Associated Buildings

·         Activate the tool.

·         Select the main building of which you want to find associated buildings.

·         The building is displayed via markers.

·         Click the Remove Markers tool to get rid of markers from the map.

Figure 18- 12 Map- Find Associated Building


·         Users can find the Associated Building.

·         There can be situations where there are multiple small buildings that serve as auxiliary buildings to the main building. It can be a house-help quarter, guard quarters, or such.

  • This tool allows the user to identify all associated buildings of the main building.

k)    Add roads

·         Activate the add road tool.

·         A navbar will pop up with tools under the tool row.

Figure 18- 13 Map- Add Roads

  • For reference chapter 14.2.2

l)    Remove Markers

·         Click on the Remove Markers.

·         Markers are removed from the map.

Figure 18- 14 Map- Remove Marker


·         Users can remove markers from the map tools.

  • Some of the tools in Tools TAB (e.g., Find Nearest Road) generate temporary Markers for visualization on the map. This tool is used for removing such Markers.


m)    Search

·         Choose the desired criteria.

·         Type a Code based on which building needs to be located on the map.

·         Click the Search button.

Figure 18- 15 Map- Search using BIN Code


·         Users can search specific roads, buildings, and places.

·         If the user wants to navigate to a specific location (E.g., specific road, specific building based on Holding No.) in the map, search tools are extremely beneficial.

  • The search tool provides a criterion to search for a specific building based on criteria such as BIN, Holding No, Tax Code, Landmarks, or Road code. 


18.3.2 Layers TAB

The Layers TAB in IMIS provides a map-based interface where users can visualize information from various modules and submodules. It also allows users to select their preferred base layer (e.g., Google, Bing, OSM) for viewing the map. In the 'Overlays' section of the Layers tab, users can choose specific layers to display on the map. These layers represent data maintained in the various submodules and modules of IMIS and the styles present in the individual dropdowns are based on the attribute information maintained in their respective sub modules. For example, if a user selects the ‘Buildings’ layer, the attributes of the ‘Buildings’ sub module will be listed in the dropdown, and the user can select the attribute they want to visualize in the map. User can also select Summarized Grids layer (0.5 km grid) to view the spatial status of the Municipality based on specific criteria, e.g., No. of Buildings, Wards, etc.

Note: The list of data layers available to a user is government by their login credentials.

·         Click the nearby checkbox to toggle ON/OFF a specific data layer.

Figure 18- 16 Visualization of different Layers based on two different criteria


·         If a data layer has multiple visualization options, a drop-down list will appear.

  • Change the options in the list to change visualization based on different attributes of the data layer.

18.3.3 Tools TAB

Tools TAB enlists different specialized tools developed specifically to cater to the needs of various users of IMIS. There are altogether 20 different tools categorized under different headings such as Service Delivery Tools, General Tools, Data Export Tools, Decision Tools, and Summary Information. The availability of tools will be governed by the login credentials of the user.

Table 18-  2 Tools














