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13.5 KPI Target

Base IMIS User Manual CWIS Information Management System (CWI...

13.5.1 Navigation to KPI Target •    Open the sidebar and click on ‘CWIS IMS’ to expand.•    Select the KPI Target. •    This redirects to the KPI Target page. Overview: •    The KPI Target Page lists all the attribute records stored in the module and pr...

14.1 Utility IMS

Base IMIS User Manual Utility IMS

14.1.1 Navigation to Utility Dashboard ·         Open the sidebar and click on ‘Utility IMS’ to expand. ·         Select the Utility Dashboard. ·        The Utility Dashboard provides a synopsis of the information maintained in this module. Figure 14...

14.2 Road Network

Base IMIS User Manual Utility IMS

The Road Network Sub-Module maintains the information regarding the road networks of the city. The road network database maintains information on various attributes that define different aspects of a road such as a road code, surface type, and hierarchy. 14.2...

14.3 Sewer Network

Base IMIS User Manual Utility IMS

14.3 Sewer Network The Sewer Network Sub-Module maintains the information regarding the sewer networks of the city.  14.3.1 Navigation to Sewer Network  •    Open the sidebar and click on ‘Utility IMS’ to expand.•    Select the Sewer Network •    This red...

14.4 Water Supply Network

Base IMIS User Manual Utility IMS

The Water Supply Network Sub-Module maintains the information regarding the water supply networks of the city. 14.4.1 Navigate to the Water Supply Network  •    Open the sidebar and click on ‘Utility IMS’ to expand.•    Select the Water Supply Network Ove...

14.5 Drain Network

Base IMIS User Manual Utility IMS

The Drain Network Sub-Module maintains the information regarding the Drain networks of the city. 14.5.1 Navigate to Drain Network  ·         Open the sidebar and click on ‘Utility IMS’ to expand. ·         Select the Drain Network ·         This redirect...

15.1 Solid Waste ISS

Base IMIS User Manual Solid Waste Information Support System ...

The Solid Waste Information Support System sub-module imports data via CSV of the solid waste status of the buildings in the municipality. 15.1.1 Navigation to Solid Waste ISS ·         Open the sidebar and select ‘Solid Waste ISS’. Overview: ·         T...


Base IMIS User Manual Property Tax Collection Information Sup...

PTCISS is a value-added module integrated into the Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS), designed to help municipalities monitor and manage property tax collection citywide through powerful map-based visualization tools. It enables city authorities t...

16.1 Property Tax Collection ISS

Base IMIS User Manual Property Tax Collection Information Sup...

The Property Tax Collection Information Support System sub-module imports data via CSV of the tax status of the buildings in the municipality. 16.1.1 Navigation to Property Tax Collection ISS ·         Open the sidebar and select ‘Property Tax Collection ISS...

Water Supply Information Support System (WSISS)

Base IMIS User Manual

The WSISS is another value-added module within the IMIS, designed to enhance the management of water supply services and fee collection. The WSISS includes a data importing tool that allows municipalities to upload water supply customer data, including their l...

Urban Management DSS Introduction

Base IMIS User Manual Urban Management DSS

The UMDSS is one of the core and powerful tools in IMIS, it provides advanced capabilities for spatial analysis, mapping, data export, and dashboard visualizations. These tools empower city authorities to engage in evidence-based planning, management, monitori...

18.1 Export Data

Base IMIS User Manual Urban Management DSS

All data layers stored in the IMIS system are available for export. There is an option to export layers within a specific ward. Layers can be exported in either a shape file or a KML file. This module supports further planning and analysis outside the IMIS sys...

18.2 Map Feature

Base IMIS User Manual Urban Management DSS

This is the main graphical web interface of IMIS where spatial visualization of data layers and other spatially assisted decision-making processes will be performed.  18.3 Navigation to Map Feature ·         Open the sidebar and click on the Urban Management...

18.3.1 General Tools

Base IMIS User Manual Urban Management DSS

General tools and search functionality are on the header (in the page upper part). These tools are mainly for navigating around the map and performing basic operations e.g., measuring, printing, searching based on House Number, BIN, Places and Roads. Tabl...

18.3.2 Layers TAB

Base IMIS User Manual Urban Management DSS

The Layers TAB in IMIS provides a map-based interface where users can visualize information from various modules and submodules. It also allows users to select their preferred base layer (e.g., Google, Bing, OSM) for viewing the map. In the 'Overlays' section ...

18.3.3 Tools TAB

Base IMIS User Manual Urban Management DSS

Tools TAB enlists different specialized tools developed specifically to cater to the needs of various users of IMIS. There are altogether 20 different tools categorized under different headings such as Service Delivery Tools, General Tools, Data Export Tools, ...

Introduction to Public Health ISS

Base IMIS User Manual Public Health ISS

PHISS is another core module of the IMIS, designed to empower municipalities in monitoring and addressing public health and sanitation challenges. PHISS enables the collection and maintenance of water sample data from various sources, including groundwater, su...

19.1 Water Samples

Base IMIS User Manual Public Health ISS

Water Samples sub-module maintains the information regarding the water quality testing with a focus on coliform bacteria levels as an initial indicator of potential water contamination. This module records the spatial location where the samples were taken. 19...

19.2 Waterborne Hotspot

Base IMIS User Manual Public Health ISS

The Waterborne Hotspot is responsible for maintaining data relevant to hotspot identification in a city. Its primary objective is to retain knowledge of diseases spread through contaminated water. 19.2.1 Navigation to Waterborne Hotspot  ·         Open the s...

19.3 Waterborne Cases Information

Base IMIS User Manual Public Health ISS

The Waterborne Cases Information Sub Module maintains data relevant to Yearly Waterborne cases information. Its primary objective is to retain knowledge of diseases spread through contaminated water. 19.3.1 Navigation to Waterborne Cases Information  ·      ...