IMIS Readiness Assessment Framework
1. Context
IMIS readiness assessment is a structured evaluation process designed to assess the Local Governm...
2. Data Readiness
Data readiness assessment will be performed based on the availability of the data those are requi...
3. E-Governance Initiatives and IT Readiness
The requirements related to e-Governance Initiatives & IT have been carefully curated based on th...
4. IMIS-Driven Sanitation Service Delivery
The requirements related to and IMIS-driven sanitation service delivery, have been carefully cura...
Appendix A. General Information of the City
1. Name of town: 2. Total Area (Sq. Km): 3. Population: 4. Number of Holdings: ...
Appendix B. Data Requirement of IMIS
SN Dataset Description Value Proposition Data Type CWIS O...
Appendix C. E-Governance Initiatives & IT Requirement of IMIS
Aspects SN Requirements Importance (M=Mandatory, D= Desirable) Availa...
Appendix D. IMIS-Driven Sanitation Service Delivery
SN Requirements Importance (M=Mandatory, D= Desirable) Availability...
Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS)
1.1 Introduction to IMIS The Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS) is a compr...