4. |
Building Footprint |
Polygon |
- BIN (Unique Building Identification Number)
- House Address
- Holding ID/Tax Code
- Ward number
- Owner name
- Owner gender (Male. Female, Others)
- Owner contact number
- Structural type (RCC, Load Bearing with cement mortar, load bearing with mud/lime mortar, wooden/mud/CGI/Temporary, steel structures)
- Floor counts
- Building plan area in Sq. m
- Building Construction year in A.D
- Use purpose (Residential, commercial, mixed, offices,
- educational, hospital/clinic, industrial, Assembly)
- Number of households
- Male Population
- Female population
- Others population
- Differently abled Male population
- Differently abled Female population
- Differently abled others population
- Offices/business names
- Low Income Household Status
- Low Income Community Name if Low Income Household
- Toilet use information (Private, shared, public toilet, community toilet, Open defecation)
- Toilet counts in the building
- Toilet connection (Sewer Network, Drain Network, Septic Tank, Pit/ Holding Tank, Onsite Treatment (e.g., Anaerobic Digestor/ Biogas, DEWATS), Composting Toilet (e.g., ecosan, UDDT, etc.), Water Body, Open Ground, Shared Septic Tank)
- Well presence (Yes, No)
- Distance from the nearest well in meter
- Road Code
- Drain code if connected to drain
- Water supply pipe code if connected to water supply
- Water supply customer code if connected to water supply
- Sewer code if connected to sewer
- Sewerage customer code if connected to sewer
- Solid waste customer code if availing solid waste collection service
High |
5. |
Containment |
Polygon |
- Containment Code (Unique Containment Identification Number)
- Associated House Number/Holding ID/Tax Code
- Containment type (Septic Tank connected to Sewer Network, Septic Tank connected to Drain Network,
Septic Tank connected to Soak Pit, Septic Tank connected to Water body, Septic Tank connected to Open Ground, Septic Tank without Outlet Connection, Septic Tank with Unknown Outlet Connection, Double Pit, Permeable/ Unlined Pit/Holding Tank, Lined Pit connected to a Soak Pit, Lined Pit connected to Water Body, Lined Pit connected to Open Ground, Lined Pit connected to Sewer Network, Lined Pit connected to Drain Network, Lined Pit without Outlet, Lined Pit with Unknown Outlet Connection,)
- Containment location (Outside/inside the building footprint)
- Septic tank standard compliance (Yes, No)
- Containment construction year in A.D
- Containment emptying status (Yes, No)
- Containment last emptying year in A.D