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The purpose of theThis document is designed to instructguide Desludging Vehicle Operators on how to use the functionalities of Emptying Details Collection Mobile AppApp. The app allows collection of the emptying information while providing the emptying service, such that the information can be updated in real-time. The mobile application is used by emptier to collect the information such as emptying start and end time, number of trips, total cost for fillingemptying, and the payment receipt number. Emptying details relatedcan be viewed in real-time by the help desk and other municipal staff who have access to actualthis emptyingmodule. operation.The Ituser manual details the step-by-step procedure of all implemented facilities within the App. It is to be noted that detailsinformation related to the actual emptying operation can also be entered ininto the system through the Web interface. The main purpose of this application is to provide the user with guidance to fill in the details of the emptying service as well asand view the applications received. It provides an easy-to-use interface that directly connects the emptying operator with the IMIS web application.