In each sub-module where records are listed, there are various tools available that allow the user to Export the records in various formats and add new records. Additional tools are present in certain sub-modules as per the functionalities. Data from each sub-module can be exported in three different file types: CSV, KML (if GIS information is maintained), and Shape File (if GIS information is maintained). It should be mentioned that the Export tool integrates perfectly with the Filter tool, enabling the user to filter out the necessary data and export it as well.
8.1 Export to CSV
Click the Export to CSV button to download the CSV file.
8.2 Export to Shape File
Click the Export to Shape File button to download the shape file.
8.3 Export to KML
Click the Export to KML button to download the kml file.
8.4 Export Unmatched Records
- Click the Export Unmatched Records button to download the CSV file.
- When data imported from CSV file is compared with the building data in IMIS, it helps determine whether the buildings have paid their taxes. If not, it also identifies the number of due years. Additionally, various tools and map views enable users to analyze and visualize this information effectively.
- If the imported Tax Code, SWM customer ID and Water Customer ID is not found in IMIS, it could indicate that the code or ID is missing in the system, there is an error, or it might be a new tax code and ID. To identify which codes or IDs are either not visible or missing, user can download the unmatched records and review them. Necessary actions can then be taken to verify the code or update it in the system as required.
- The "Export Unmatched Records" button is solely available only within the Property Tax Collection ISS, Solid Waste ISS, and Water Supply ISS modules.