Web Application Setup
The following steps are recommended to be carried out to ensure set up of IMIS web application in windows environment.
3.1 Clone the IMIS project from GitHub
To initiate the deployment of IMIS on a local Windows environment, start by cloning the project files directly from GitHub.
Open a command prompt or terminal with administrative privileges, switch to the htdocs directory, and execute the following Git command to clone the IMIS repository:git clone <github_repo_link>
This command copies all files from the remote repository to your local htdocs folder, making the IMIS codebase available for further setup steps. After cloning, you’ll see a new folder with the repository name in htdocs.
3.1.1 Folder Setup
Two folders need to be created manually to store building survey KML files sent via mobile application and the emptying receipts and house images as well.They can be done by following steps:
• Navigate to storage/app/public
• Make new folder and name it “building-survey-kml”
• Make another folder and name it “emptyings”
• Inside “emptyings” folder make two folders and name them “houses” and “receipts”
3.2 Install Dependencies
Launch a command prompt or terminal and use the cd command to navigate to the IMIS project directory within htdocs (commonly located at C:\xampp\htdocs\imis-revamp2.0). Once the terminal is set to the project root, run the following command:
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
This command uses Composer to download and install all required PHP packages and libraries listed in the composer.json file. These libraries are essential for Laravel and IMIS to function properly.
3.2.1 Install JavaScript Dependencies
Install node v20.17.0
Execute the following commands to install and compile frontend dependencies:
npm install && npm run dev
The npm install command will download all required JavaScript dependencies, while npm run dev compiles assets, such as CSS and JavaScript files, for development. This step is essential for building the frontend of the IMIS application, ensuring all stylesheets and scripts load properly.
3.2.2 Generate The Application Key
In the terminal, within the IMIS project directory, run the following command
php artisan key:generate
After running the command, you’ll see an output message confirming that the application key was successfully generated. The .env file will now contain a line like