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On-site Sanitation Compliance Assessment & Enforcement
Implementation of Septic Tank Inspection
Containment improvement monitoring dashboard
Roles and responsibility – Key players
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Targeted User(s)
The targeted users of this manual are the municipal staff members.
App Installation
An APK file will be made available in common access location or shared via link that can be downloaded and installed on your device.
Building data collection
Once the map is visible, click the Locate Myself button to find the user's exact location. If the user's location point (blue marker) is not accurate on the map, then ensure one of the points is accurately placed by referencing yourself with the nearby roads...
Uploading Building Data
For uploading building data to IMIS, click ‘UPLOAD’ button. Figure 5-5 Building Data Upload Once the data has been uploaded to IMIS, a message box will appear. Press OK ...
Target Audience
Targeted users of this manual are Desludging Vehicle Operators of the Municipality or Outsourced Agency. This manual guides to performing details related to actual emptying operations.
Installation Procedure
Download the APK file in your device and go to ‘Downloads’ folder using the ‘File Manager’. Figure 2-1 APK File Locate the corresponding .apk file and tap on i...
Emptying Service Data Collection
On clicking the Form button, it redirects to the emptying service form. Fill the form on site with the required details and the user must press ‘SUBMIT’ button to upload the details to IMIS. Figure 5-4 Emptying servi...
S.N. Name Icon 1 Building - Residential 2 Building - Commercial 3 Building - Mixed 4 Building - Government 5 Sewerage Connected 6 Septic Tank 7 Holding Tank 8 Pit 9 Containment ...
Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS)
1.1 Introduction to IMIS The Integrated Municipal Information System (IMIS) is a comprehensive digital platform designed to transform how municipalities manage sanitation systems and services, aligning with the principles of Citywide Inclusive Sanit...