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Scope of ToT Document and Participant’s Prerequisite
This Training of Trainers (ToT) is designed for GIS practitioners who wish to learn various technical applications of spatial planning as part of CWIS planning. A prior understanding of GIS software is a prerequisite for both trainers and trainees involved in ...
Guidelines for Utilizing Training Module
For optimal understanding and application of this training module, it is crucial that the outlined steps are diligently followed. The training can be delivered both in-person and via an online platform. As a prerequisite, participants should have pre-installe...
Suggested Training Calendar
Training Moule Name Practical Session / Live Workshop No of hours Suggested Days I Building initial understanding Limited 3 hours 1 days II Open GIS data Extractions Process Framework High 12 hours 4 days III Geospatial Assessments for CWIS Planni...
Data Checklist and Potential Source
Output Maps Data Layer 1. Base map Administrative boundary Water bodies Road/Rail network Land-use Building footprints Building uses Ward-wise population 2. Waterlogged Risk mapping Elevati...
Building Footprints using Google Open Buildings
Stepwise Process Flow Details Step 1: Access the Data Source o Start by visiting the Google Open Buildings website at o Here you'll find all necessary resources, ...
Output Illustrations
Figure 3 Illustrations of built-up extractions, Dhanbad (India). Source – Dhanbad spatial analysis, Innpact Solutions and GWSC
Road Network using Open Street Maps (OSM) Database
Stepwise Process Flow Details Step 1: Load the Study Area Boundary in QGIS o Start your QGIS software and load the boundary file of your study area. You can do this by clicking on "Layer" in the top menu, then selecting "Add Layer" > "Add Vector Layer" a...
Output Illustrations
Figure 4 Illustrations of road network extracted from open source, Tarabo (Bangladesh): Source – CWIS spatial analysis, Innpact Solutions and GWSC
Extraction of Waterbodies and Rivers using Open Street Map (OSM) Database
Stepwise Process Flow Details Step 1: Download OpenStreetMap (OSM) Data for Your Study Area o Start by loading your study area in QGIS and using the OSM Downloader plugin to download the OSM data for your area of interest, as explained in the previous steps...
Output Illustrations
Figure 5 Illustrations of extracted water bodies map, Ranchi (India) Source – CWIS spatial analysis, Innpact Solutions and GWSC
Extraction of Elevation Profile using SRTM or ASTER DEM
Stepwise Process Flow Details Step 1: Install the SRTM Downloader Plugin o Open QGIS. o Go to the Plugins menu. o Select "Manage and Install Plugins." o In the Plugins dialog, search for "SRTM Downloader." o Click on the plugin and then click the "Install P...
Output Illustrations
Figure 6 Illustrations of extracted elevation profile, Ranchi (India) Source – CWIS spatial analysis, Innpact Solutions and GWSC
Assessments of Hard to Reach (HTR) Settlements
Data Requirements Road Network with road width or categories Building footprint and type of building
Stepwise Process Flow Details
Step 1: Prepare the Data o Gather geospatial data on building locations and road networks in compatible formats, such as shapefiles or geodatabases. Step 2: Overlay Data o Open QGIS and add the building and road network layers to your project. o Ensure that...
Output Application
The output here provides a clear understanding of the settlements accessible by large and small volume trucks. It pinpoints areas requiring additional infrastructure such as pipes and electric pumps and identifies inaccessible areas where manual or electric sm...
Assessments of Waterlogging/Flood Prone Settlements
Data Requirements Elevation data Waterbodies/ Rivers Past Flood data with location High Flood Line for rivers
Stepwise Process Flow Details
Step 1: Import Data o Open QGIS and load your Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data representing the topography of the study area. o Import building data and any other relevant spatial data layers, such as rivers, flood-prone areas, and historical flood level...
Output Application
Areas with waterlogging risks present operational challenges for the smooth functioning of toilet units. These challenges include toilet back-flow and non-functional soak pits. Understanding such risk areas may aid in understanding such risk hot spots on at ...
Assessment of Drainage Network with Orders and Density
Data Requirements 1. Elevation data 2. Waterbodies/ Rivers
Stepwise Process Flow Details
Step-by-step instructions in paragraph form for identifying natural drainage network and catchment areas from DEM using QGIS Hydrology tools: Step 1: Load the DEM for the Study Area o Open QGIS and add the DEM layer to your project by navigating to 'Laye...